Е. В. Сибирская | bfvi.ru

Е. В. Сибирская

Е. В. Сибирская

Народное хозяйство вопросы инновационного развития - А. С. Алексеев


1.  The development strategy of light industry of Russia for the period till 2020, is developed ac­cording to the commission of the President of the Russian Federation from July, 3rd, 2008 № Pr- 1369 and the commission of the Government of the Russian Federation from July, 15th, 2008 № ВП-П9-4244 // http://www.minprom.gov.ru

2.  Zajtsev A. V., Karpova V. B., Rams V. V., Gusov T. M. Innovation as the instrument of devel­opment of a mental potential of the enterprises of textile branch // News of higher educational estab­lishments // Technology of a textile industry. - 2009. - №. 4.

3.  Zajtsev A. V., Sedlarzh J.Prakticheskie approaches to formation of competitive strategy of holding on production of textiles for public health services//News of higher educational establish­ments // Technology of a textile industry. - 2009. - №. 4.

4.  Kraft J, Zaitsev A. V. Feature's Hares of development of the innovative enterprises in the conditions of globalisation / In book: Theses of reports of the International scientific and technical conference «Modern technologies and the textile industry equipment» (TEXTILES - 2009) - М: MGTU of A. N. Kosygin, 2009.

5.  Medvedev D. A.opening statement at meeting of presidium of the Council of state «About modernisation of textile branch and measures on increase of a standard of living and social security of its workers», June, 20th, 2008, Ivanovo // http://kremlin.ru

6.  Fomin V. M. Introduction of the newest scientific and technical achievements in production - the major factor of maintenance of competitiveness of production and stability of business / In кн.: Theses of reports of the International scientific and technical conference «Modern technologies and the textile industry equipment» (TEXTILES - 2009) - М: MGTU of A. N. Kosygin, 2009.

Е. В. Сибирская

Орловский государственный институт экономики и торговли, проректор по научной работе, доктор экономических наук, профессор (302028, г. Орел, ул. Октябрьская, д. 12; тел.: (4862) 43-51-63; e-mail: ogiet@orel.ru)

О. В.Левкина

Орловский государственный институт экономики и торговли, студентка (302028, г. Орел, ул. Октябрьская, д. 12; тел.: (4862) 43-51-63; e-mail: ogiet@orel.ru)

Е. V. Sibirskaja

Oryol state institute of economy and trade, Prorector on scientific work, doctor of eco­nomic science, professor (302028, Orel, Octjabrskaya str., 12; tel.: (4862) 43-51-63; e-mail: ogiet@orel.ru)

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